Species We Target
*Custom/combination trips available on request, including fly fishing*
Peacock Bass
The freshwater holy grail of South Florida. These hard fighting fish can grow up to 10 pounds.
The Florida Bullseye snakehead trips are strictly topwater frog-based. Be prepared for vicious hits and acrobatic tail-walks and death rolls.
Tarpon are no doubt the #1 sport fish in all of Florida. These dinosaurs are the hardest fighting, and truly humbling fish to target. Seasonal, and dependent on bait availability.
Largemouth Bass
These guys are prevalent all across the US, and Florida has some absolute beasts that exceed 10 pounds
Other Exotic Species
Midas Cichlid, Mayan Cichlid, Tilapia, Oscars, Jaguar Guapote... The list goes on. These colorful guys are often smaller and overlooked, but are beautiful nonetheless.